Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Introducing the one, the only...........


All the names were so good I was really torn between many. But this one just seems to fit. Now the next step is to start a league here in the Pacific NW. Mimi, you are in charge of getting a crew of about 12 from the West side. Herman says we can have our meets at the Penn which will be great PR for the prison and I'm sure will boost the general moral of the population. Susansophia you are in charge of transportation over the mountain. Christina you are in charge of publicity. Mull berry I'm putting you in charge of refreshments, keep it easy though, sports drinks and eclairs will suffice. Susansophia, would you ask James to start doing some fundraising for us, should be easy with his connections. Oh by the way, I am expecting you all to be joining me in the rink so better start thinking of names for yourselves now. And the most important job I'm giving to Papa Herman-the designing of the uniforms. Girls, don't be scared, Papa Herman keeps up with the latest fashion trends and I'm sure will do us all justice.

The following link will take you to where our first meet will be held. Papa Herman will make the arrangements.

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Roller Girls

I LOVE rollerskating. I loved it when I was a kid and I loved it when I was a teen tearing it up at the local skating rinks. I loved it as a young adult when wearing polyester was in and disco was waning. I still love it. When I was young I invested in a good pair of speed skates which were 300.00 at the time, I'm thinking this was probably the same as 500.00 now. What was I thinking???? Anyway, I think Herman has always thought this ranked right up there with me liking bowling and carnies. But still I skate when I can. Actually I haven't skated in about 6 years now. I recently caught a few episodes of the new series called "Roller Girls." I watched with enthusiasm while making comparisons. "Oh, I could as skate fast as her.....she's about my age....I couldn't wear that short of an outfit....hmmmm my roller girl name would be....." I felt my heart beating faster and my desire to be up on that ramp kept growing. I imagined what it would take for me to turn "pro". Could I make the sacrifices etc. Well after careful consideration there is really only one reason, ok two, why I can't skate pro roller derby, well actually 3. The first is: there isn't a league anywhere close by here. The second reason is I really don't like to get hurt. And third: I don't have a good roller derby nick name. So here's where you come in. I need help in coming up with my nick name should I ever pursue this "dream" Some typical nicknames that are taken so far are: Punky Bruiser, Miss Conduct, Venis Envy and so on. So I need some ideas from you as to what my name should be. Here is some of my history and you can go from there.
41 (and a half) years old. Mother of 3, wife of 1. Talks tough but is afraid of pain. Can be sassy but embarrasses easily. Loves to garden, read, relax and eat. Short, in height but not in attitude. I expect some creative, but not crude suggestions-I blush easily.
Check this out for the history of the sport. From there you can "meet the girls" and get to know my sport better.