Thursday, November 16, 2006


The dread action has started. Yesterday my dear friend, Theodora, spent several hours starting the bottom part of my hair. Tomorrow we'll finish it. I woke up this morning feeling AND looking like someone that has been in the desert for months without a brush. I was warned I would look this way though. How am I feeling right now in the midst of the transformation? Well, I'm feeling hesitant, nervous, reluctant and messy. I rolled my dreads today and put it all up in a pony tail which helps me to feel a little more put together. I've pondered the reaction that others may have. My mom surprised me, actually, with a non- chalant remark that it's only hair. That gave me some hutspa to continue. I don't think people in general will be that into it and will probably wonder why I "did that" to myself. I think some people will think I'm too old to be doing stuff like that. And I think some people may be offended that I chose this paticular hair style to donn. I know that dreads come from the islands and I'm hardly a part of that culture, but on the other hand I sport Native American roots and I'm sure there were some pretty messy haired Indians through out the years. Whatever reasons I come up with it's boils down to just a justification of my choice. It's a little edgy and our society likes to think its opened minded, but in reality when you are looking at someone with a nose ring, or hairy legs, or dreads, or tattoos, or spiked hair, or even incredibly revealing clothes, you can't help but stare. So I'm sure I'll receive looks here and there and a disappointed head shaking from my dad. My in-laws will be too polite to say anything and will most likely try to avert their eyes when talking to me. I was ready for the dreads, but am I ready for the approval/disapproval ratings. I'm not sure. I'll probably get hurt feelings and become defensive but I'm on a journey, and not everyone will like my destination. That's the beauty about "traveling" though, we can all choose different destinations and will have varying areas of interest. And I hope that just as I would never squash someone else's journey, I will receive enouragement for mine. Stay tuned for future pics!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Having everyone look pretty much the same is a kind of security blanket for adults. Sometimes I wear hats and gloves and carry cute little handbags a la Grace Kelly or Jackie Kennedy and they stare at that too :-)

6:01 AM  

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