Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Rusty Bottoms

Herman and a former co-worker coined the phrase, "rusty bottoms", meaning that when a boat is left in dry dock the bottom rusts. They meant it though for us, when we stagnate in life our bottoms, too, get rusty. As I stated in my previous post we decided to de-rust our bottoms. Well, unfortunately one of us is getting out of dry dock while the other still sits.
Herman returned to work refreshed, but the turmoil and spiritual oppression felt there, got the best of him. His butt is rustin' I, on the other hand have decided that I finally have the nerve to do things at 42 that I didn't I didn't do when I was younger. Now, I don't care what people think, now I don't worry about my parents grounding me or telling me I can't. I don't have to worry about what my boss will say about my appearance.
This isn't the first time I had an adventurous year, when I was 29 I saw The Weirdos and loved them! I came home and the next day shaved my hair into a modified mohawk and that same year we ended up leaving our life long home and moving up to the Northwest. Hopefully, this time I won't end up moving elsewhere.
Right before leaving for vacation I took the Travel Agent proficiency exam and finished a travel agent course. While on vacation I realized I had lost some life time fears. Once home from vacation I decided to start skating and dread my hair. Skating, I did when I was quite young, but never really got into it. Now I have found several other moms that are wanting to start skating as well. Apparently there is a beginner night at the local half pipe. So as soon as Herman gets new wheels on his old board I'll take it over and as John M has advised, start slowly. I have to make sure my balance hasn't aged as my years have. Herman suggested I go out on his long board, but I told him I don't want to "cruise", I want to skate! I want to be able to skate the half pipe like the youngsters or at least like the other moms.
As for my hair...I have a friend that I have traveled with for the last couple of years. While we are on road trips we always talk about getting dreads while we are gone, but have never done it. So after our recent trip together we decided to finally do it. I'm going first as her hubby is opposed to it, mine is VERY for it. Not sure what other people will think, kind of don't care. But I've already been told I won't be able to ride in my friends car, because of the bugs and dirt that will be accumulating in my hair. (I'm assuming that was a joke) I think others will just shake their heads at me and assume it has something to do with my post partum depression and that's ok too. As far as traveling, I would like to expand my "been there, done that", especially since I haven't been really anywhere or done anything. I would love to go to Jerusalem, Russia and other parts of Europe.
I am refusing to allow my bottom to rust and am hoping that Herman will follow my lead and be encouraged to get out of dry dock himself.
While eating lunch at Applebees today, there were 4 older people i a booth behind us. They were quite loud, allowing us to be privy to their conversation. They were discussing the cost of nursing homes and the staff that worked at a local one. No one could remember this young gals name, though they proceeded to describe her. "no, not the one with the pokey hair, this one had blond hair and wore it quite attractively. She is kind of short and stocky, but real young.....yea like 42, maybe 45" I laughed quietly thinking how I am just a kid to them. I was assuming they were talking about a 20 year old. I think I lifted my head a little higher after they left and walked with a renewed energy in my step. To think, I'm a youngster....at least to those 70 somethings. So I guess I'm not too "old" to try some new things. Some people will attribute it to my just being young, and others will probably think I 'm trying to be young. At least one thing will be true no matter what anyone thinks or says, I will not have a rusty butt anymore. Now I just have to explain to my 10 year old why she can't get dreads till she's older and to my 8 year old why he can't start getting tattoo sleeves yet......oh what have I done?


Blogger Fr. Matthew said...

You should really wait until your arms are fully grown before you get teh sleeves. Of course the dreads and tats are not my thing but I am waiting to see how your head will look with them. The dreads and not tats.

Of course I have to ask if you think you are still feeling the PPD? Or is it maybe something else? I do not know how long you can see the signs of PPD so I am curious to see what your thoughts are on this.

Mr. H

7:46 PM  
Blogger juliana said...

Hey! thanks for the tuck and roll advice:+) I'll try and remember that as I'm kareening down a hill out of control.
Now a tatoo on my head would be more than my rusty bottom could handle not to mention the pain. No tats for me...yet:+)
PPD? No, I've recovered from that, what I mostly deal with now is baggage, whether it be genetic or enviromentally, it all feels the same. I still have to learn the same coping skills for either, although the meds really help the physiological aspect. I think PPD can manifest into lifetime problems if left untreated. The problems start from PPD but tend to be fueled by past issues, lack of emotional support and therapy. But then someone suffering like that would have much deeper issues with the PPD acting as the "last straw" to push someone over the edge. Does that make sense? Truthfully, I haven't been more joyful or happier in years than I am now. Glory to God. Though now my struggles be too tight an attachement to this world. So goes the struggle.
There are halloween costume tattoo sleeves Herman and I thought about getting for Becket for fun. So should you see him tatted up, you'll know what's up haha

7:38 AM  
Blogger Mimi said...


12:47 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

how are you working on the dreads? very cool. i feel really young working in a nursing home. there's a patient that will be 100 years old in two weeks!

8:08 PM  

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