Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Quit Doggin' Me!

So how has life changed for me since I've gotten a dog???? Let's start with the mornings, if I make any type of movement in bed a nose raises and eyes are staring right at me. If I get up out of bed for any reason, then it must be time to officially get up. If he happens to catch me looking at him, that's an invitation to come poke me repeatedly with a wet nose. Well, the sun is up and I'm sort of awake...ok ok time to get up. I let him out while I head to the garage to get his food. He follows me in and proceeds to eat his breakfast at which time I quickly scoop up the cat to feed him out of the dogs sight. Time for coffee, as I try to sip my cup a wet nose again comes to investigate what the beverage of choice might be. I have to use my feet to push him away so I can sip safely. Oh, time to go out again and run an invisible race course.
Getting dressed presents another time of being nosed in places where noses shouldn't be. By the time I am dressed my legs are spotted with wet nose prints. Time to get Andrew up, the dog always seems to want to inspect Andrews diaper to see if it needs changing-which indeed it does every morning. So, again while pushing a dog away I'm strategically changing a diaper.
Breakfast for the kids brings all sorts of complaints, he's too close to my plate, he stole my piece of toast, he's staring at me.... I'm determined to teach him to lay down while we eat. Prayers are done with him laying where ever the most inconvenient spot may be, usually right as my feet as I bend to do a prostration. I finally have some peace while Andrew naps and the dog naps. I think every mom has experienced not being able to use the bathroom without company watching. Now I have two two-year olds in there with me, and EACH one is just as interested in what I am doing as the other. Sheesh!
The rest of the day is spent holding him back while kids go in and out and in and out of the doors. I finally put a lock up high today on the back screen door. Now I can monitor who is going out and in, meaning a two year old letting a canine two year old in and out and in and out.
Bathing the dog was an event as well. Herman hoisted this 80 pound dog into the bathtub for me and I proceeded to bathe a dog that would rather be ANYWHERE but in that tub. I think Andrew would have joined him if I let him.
The rest of the day goes on and evening starts to come. It's a routine of feeding the dog, giving snacks to the kids, requesting jammies be put on, letting the dog out, monitoring teeth brushing, letting the dog in, finding pacifiers and blankets, letting the dog out, getting last min. drinks of water, letting the dog in. Everyone is in bed finally and I'm ready to head there myself. I shower and hop into bed and tell Asher to go to his bed. He heads to his bed curls up and falls fast asleep. I wake several times during the night hearing him stir-afraid he'll be using a couch leg to relieve himself only to find he has crawled up on Beckets bed acting as if he's been there all night sleeping. I pull him down, continue to pull him down, keep pulling him down and finally get his front paws on the floor with his rump firmly planted still on the bed. With one final pull I bring him back to bed and tell him to go to bed. He finally does and so do I-again.


Blogger Mimi said...

Bwahahahaahahahha! I can totally envision this.

My cat follows me in the morning to be petted, apparently it's been a long time in her opinion since she's seen me.

12:33 PM  
Blogger juliana said...

I noticed today that Asher follows me also as I do my chores. What I really realized I liked is how he lays at my feet while I'm reading on the couch. It's very peaceful and enjoyable moment. I think Andrew will be the one to bond with him too. He tells him, "bood boy bood boy" and "ets go!" Having only a cat was sure easier I have to admit that. but this will hopefully be a good lesson for my patience, humility and selfishness.

1:52 PM  

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