Saturday, November 12, 2005

Just a snack

Ok, so it's about midnight when I finally decide to try and fall asleep last night. Herman had been snoozing for about 2 hours and was snoring now. If you have ever shared a room, cell, or even city with him you know how loud his snoring can be. In the past I have pushed his head sideways to distrupt his snoring but he tends to not like that. So now I whisper, "Honey, turn over, turn over.....on your side......turn over!" He wakes enough to say "oh, ok, now what do you want me to do over here?" I cracked up and said, "Uhhh, make me a sandwich?" He remembers waking and me telling him to roll over but he doesn't remember the rest of our "conversation". Sometimes it's worth it just to lie awake in hopes of him sleep talking. Better that then sleepwalking.


Blogger Unknown said...

Matthew H and John M can attest to my snoring capabilities in the Waldrof at St. Herman's Monastery.

BUT i do not think it is fair to ask a guy questions while he sleeps.

2:43 PM  
Blogger juliana said...

You asked ME what I wanted you to do on that side of the bed, I didn't ask you any questions. So if you aren't willing to get up and make me a samich then don't ask.

3:51 PM  
Blogger Mimi said...


Make a sandwich. Tee hee.

I push my hubby over to make him roll over too.

12:31 PM  
Blogger Fr. Matthew said...

I am going to have to side with Papa Herman on this one. As an avid sleep talker,Anna is always zinging me about stuff I say when I am asleep. Bad form all around imho.

1:03 PM  

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